Gower College Swansea
Best Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
Gower College Swansea
Best HR Initiative (Sponsored by Chwarae Teg)
Best Response - Covid 19
Best Staff Wellbeing Strategy
Adra / Grŵp Cynefin
Best Use of the Welsh Language in HR (Sponsored by Cyfreithwyr.com)
Employer of Choice (sponsored by Be Business Fit)
Sophie Evans Crunch Digital Media
HR Assistant/Apprentice/Trainee of the Year
Choose To Grow
HR Consultancy of the Year
Lisa Hand, Ogi
HR Director of the Year
HR Team of the Year (Sponsored by Choose to Grow)
Angela Overment (Cwmpas)
Outstanding HR Professional of the Year (Sponsored by Quantum Advisory)
Sarah King, Gower College Swansea
HR Star (Sponsored by Acorn and Darwin Gray)